Partnerships - ACS Hillingdon


Through education, ACS aims to make a positive global impact

As a group of schools with an inspiring, engaged community and an international ethos, ACS is uniquely placed to build meaningful educational partnerships that advance education for school age children, supporting local and global communities wherever it can.

At ACS Hillingdon, we have different partnerships that provide opportunities for students to access enhanced education not otherwise available to them and for teachers to develop teaching excellence.

Our school was thrilled recently to win a silver award from the Global Good awards in recognition of its partnerships locally and internationally.


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our impact

1.6 million

of student interaction

100,000 +

hours of teacher training

100,000 +

of outreach box usage

Community Collaboration

We collaborate with partner schools locally and globally. Partner schools use our facilities for many different occasions and uses from hosting a sports day, attending our Forest Schools, to multi school learning and activity days hosted at our campus.

ACS is committed to continuing to share resources, facilities, expertise, and ideas with partner schools and delighted to collaborate to enrich both local and ACS students’ learning experiences.


ACS creates memorable experiences for students to come together and learn through major events: STEAM 2022 was a celebration of all things STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) for 10,000 students who attended a day at Thorpe Park theme park learning from many exciting corporate exhibitors such as the Royal Air Force, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) before enjoying the rides. Other activities include: young carer days at our campuses, Elite football residential camps in partnerships with London premier league clubs;, ‘A Night at the West End’ with 12 partner schools and 250 local school children performing alongside partners West end arts organisation Performing Perfectly and the RPO.


ACS shares teaching excellence and a deep understanding of best practice to empower teachers within partner schools, often with limited or stretched resources, to advance their own skillset and students’ educational experience. ACS provides expertise and training in a number of ways:

  • Providing VR Technology – ACS supplies mobile VR equipment for schools, allowing them to integrate advanced technology into their teaching practices.
  • Online Training Docuseries – ACS produces docuseries for online training, accessible to partner school teachers and the broader community. The first series, “Hacking Neurodiversity,” and the second, “The Future of Technology for Teachers,” offer expert insights and practical guidance.
  • Networking and Learning Events – ACS hosts and leads events focused on key educational topics, such as safeguarding, facilitating professional development and collaboration among local school teachers.

The benefits for ACS students




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