Global Mobility and effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic - ACS International Schools


Looking back – and forward

The global pandemic resulting from COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus, has had profound effects on all of our lives, and some of them are likely to endure beyond the pandemic. However, many of the policies and practices that were established this year may eventually be regarded as positive changes. Here are just some of the areas of global mobility that saw upheaval in 2020, and will continue to require close attention in 2021:

Immigration and Compliance

When COVID-19 emerged as a global health concern, relatively little was known about the virus’s transmission methods, incubation periods, and even many of the symptoms exhibited by those infected with it. In efforts to contain the spread, governments around the world struggled to quickly adjust entry requirements — mandating lengthy quarantines, or barring travellers from other countries entirely. As a result, many globally mobile employees found themselves in unforeseen circumstances: under pressure to return home quickly, “stuck” in place for periods of time they hadn’t previously anticipated, having to quickly find suitable facilities for quarantine, and other last-minute mobility quandaries.

When COVID-19 emerged as a global health concern, relatively little was known about the virus’s transmission methods, incubation periods, and even many of the symptoms exhibited by those infected with it. In efforts to contain the spread, governments around the world struggled to quickly adjust entry requirements — mandating lengthy quarantines, or barring travellers from other countries entirely. As a result, many globally mobile employees found themselves in unforeseen circumstances: under pressure to return home quickly, “stuck” in place for periods of time they hadn’t previously anticipated, having to quickly find suitable facilities for quarantine, and other last-minute mobility quandaries.

As the world has gained a more comprehensive understanding of COVID-19, entry requirements have continued to evolve. Local surges in infection rates — in both home and host countries — can still dictate rapid changes. As vaccinations against the virus become much more widely available in 2021, vaccination status is very likely to strongly influence one’s ability to travel and work internationally. It will remain of utmost importance to keep up to date with restrictions and requirements, and to consult with expert sources. This will, in turn, reduce the potential for failure before an international assignment even begins.


Sometimes regarded as an assignment phase that deserves more attention, repatriation services came into sharp focus in 2020. Transferees were compelled to return to their home countries on an accelerated or unexpected schedule. This often meant that related tasks, such as household goods movement, occurred much later. In addition, repatriating transferees were sometimes returning to places that, due to impacts of the pandemic, had changed considerably themselves. While repatriation has become less urgent in recent months, the importance of comprehensive repatriation planning for a variety of scenarios is not likely to diminish. This will ultimately leave transferees more prepared for the unexpected.

Sometimes regarded as an assignment phase that deserves more attention, repatriation services came into sharp focus in 2020. Transferees were compelled to return to their home countries on an accelerated or unexpected schedule. This often meant that related tasks, such as household goods movement, occurred much later. In addition, repatriating transferees were sometimes returning to places that, due to impacts of the pandemic, had changed considerably themselves. While repatriation has become less urgent in recent months, the importance of comprehensive repatriation planning for a variety of scenarios is not likely to diminish. This will ultimately leave transferees more prepared for the unexpected.

Remote Working

While the concept of working outside the office has always been a part of corporate life, many more organisations and even entire industries have now been introduced to it as a necessity. These changes have bolstered flexibility for employees and customers, and resulted in improved overall productivity. Working remotely has also been championed as more environmentally friendly.

This phenomenon affects global mobility in many ways. Tax compliance issues can change significantly when an employee is working in a non-corporate location. When evaluating housing options in a new destination, transferees now consider new questions. Do fewer commutes to a workplace change the parameters for an ideal housing location and transportation needs? Does a home have adequate resources for remote work, such as a separate desk/office area, or high speed/high volume Internet access? Do lease agreements or details need to be adjusted?

Even as the public health crisis abates and many return to doing business face-to-face, experts anticipate that the shared experience of 2020 will permanently hybridize many work environments into partly on-site, and partly remote — turning what are sometimes new considerations for transferees into conventional ones.

Safety in Groups

Establishing, building and maintaining relationships, always crucial to assignment success, have been profoundly reshaped by the effects of the pandemic. Many communication tools have emerged, or have developed stronger presences in daily life. Professional and volunteer organizations, special interest groups, schools, and religious communities have had to evaluate how best to carry on without close in-person contact. The solutions and connections have varied considerably, as have their successes. As the coming months and years bring a return to in-person group gatherings, it is likely that the precautions we take now — such as livestreaming, PPE and sanitization practices — will support the inclusion of those who faced related health concerns prior to the pandemic.

Establishing, building and maintaining relationships, always crucial to assignment success, have been profoundly reshaped by the effects of the pandemic. Many communication tools have emerged, or have developed stronger presences in daily life. Professional and volunteer organizations, special interest groups, schools, and religious communities have had to evaluate how best to carry on without close in-person contact. The solutions and connections have varied considerably, as have their successes. As the coming months and years bring a return to in-person group gatherings, it is likely that the precautions we take now — such as livestreaming, PPE and sanitization practices — will support the inclusion of those who faced related health concerns prior to the pandemic.

Cultural Training

Cultural agility has always been a key component to doing business globally, and this remains true, whether one’s counterparts and colleagues are six meters or six thousand kilometers away. Now, more than ever, it is important to be aware of how cross-cultural norms and practices can influence the use of email, social media, and video conferencing. How do differences in time zones and national observances come into play? What elements are important for clear and persuasive presentations? What types of personal information are appropriate to share? How are concepts of time influenced by various circumstances? Obtaining answers to these questions in advance can help businesspeople navigate new relationships regardless of their physical location.

Cultural agility has always been a key component to doing business globally, and this remains true, whether one’s counterparts and colleagues are six meters or six thousand kilometers away. Now, more than ever, it is important to be aware of how cross-cultural norms and practices can influence the use of email, social media, and video conferencing. How do differences in time zones and national observances come into play? What elements are important for clear and persuasive presentations? What types of personal information are appropriate to share? How are concepts of time influenced by various circumstances? Obtaining answers to these questions in advance can help businesspeople navigate new relationships regardless of their physical location.

What’s next, Post-Pandemic?

2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic brought a great deal that was chaotic, upsetting, and stressful. Fortunately, there are signs that relief from some of the related hardships is on its way in the new year. It is important, however, to appraise the changes and adjustments that this time of crisis brought, and consider how best to take advantage of them in the future, for the future.

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