Frequently Asked Questions - ACS International Schools


Our mission is to help our students be ready for whatever comes next in their lives and careers. It has become apparent that the skills needed to improve our world require a shift in focus in schools today. International education has become a test bed for how we work together in a more interconnected society.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is ACS a registered charity?

Why has ACS become a charity?

I’m already/will be paying a substantial amount for my child’s school fees. Why are you asking me for more?

How can I make a donation to ACS?

I live outside of the UK, can I still make a gift?

Can I give to a specific area or project?

Do my donations qualify for Gift Aid?

If I am a US taxpayer, can I make a tax-efficient gift?

Can my donation be made anonymously?

How do I know my donation will go to my school?

How will I know how my donation has been spent?

General Questions

Are you planning to increase student numbers?

How will it be funded?

Will school fees be affected?

Are means-tested bursaries the same as staff bursaries?