ACS Cobham Student Profile; Harry, AP Student - ACS International Schools


ACS Cobham Student Profile; Harry, AP Student

Harry, Grade 12 student at ACS Cobham is studying Advanced Placement. He joined the school in Grade 11 from Florida in 2019 where he was studying Advanced Placement, so he was able to pick up and continue his studies.

We spoke to him about the Advanced Placement, his experiences at ACS Cobham and what he hopes for his future.

What made you chose the AP rather than the International Baccalaureate Diploma?

I chose the AP pathway over the IB pathway because I prefer the style of teaching and the exam format. AP classes are very straight-to-the-point and move at a fast pace. I like to learn as much information as I can to help broaden my knowledge. The mainly multiple-choice exams are also a good way to test the knowledge acquired.

What attracted you to your chosen courses and how did ACS Cobham support you to make these decisions?

I chose my courses with the idea in mind that I would pursue a STEM-related degree at university. With the help of my college counsellor as well as other academic staff, I was able to select the correct and relevant courses and now I have achieved my desire of studying Chemistry at university.

What do you particularly enjoy about your chosen subjects and are they connected together?

Most importantly, the main subjects I have chosen interest me and, therefore, I enjoy them. I am always eager to see what we are going to learn next. I am currently enrolled in AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Chemistry, and AP Macroeconomics. While at first glance these subjects may not seem related, they have definitely taught me knowledge and skills that have crossed paths.

What co-curricular activities do you enjoy at ACS Cobham?

ACS Cobham has a fantastic sports program that I have taken full advantage of (until the COVID pandemic). I was part of the High School football team for the two years I’ve been at ACS. I also used the sports facilities, such as the gym and tennis courts. I found all these to be very useful features of the school.

What other skills do you feel you develop at ACS Cobham?

Since I’ve been at ACS Cobham, I’ve grown into a more confident, mature, and open individual. The diversity and inclusivity of the school allowed me to seamlessly transition from Florida. Because of this, I’ve learned to be more open and express my thoughts. Essentially, to not be scared of being embarrassed. I can go up to the front of the class and speak or help others in their learning. The school has helped me grow as a student and as a person.

What is next, after ACS Cobham?

After ACS Cobham, I plan to attend university to study for an MSci in Chemistry. I’m still uncertain at this point what my future career will look like. The useful thing about studying chemistry is that it teaches many transferable skills which leaves a wide variety of career options open.

What do you love the most about the school?

I love the diversity of the school. I’ve made amazing friends from all over the world who are some of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting. I’ve moved around a lot in my life so having a school of kids in the same position is really comforting. When times are tough, I know that going to school will help me get through it as I get to see these amazing people.

What do you think you’ll miss most about the school?

When I leave ACS Cobham, I’m going to miss everything really. The early morning meetings with my college counsellor, the chemistry labs, the study halls in the library, the lunches outside by the fountain, but most importantly, the people. My friends and my teachers have all been incredible and it’s going to be hard to leave them behind.

ACS Cobham’s greatest strength is its inclusivity. You never feel like you’re forgotten about or have nowhere to go for help. The staff really do care about your academic success and your wellbeing. I’ve gotten into my dream university because of this school and I could not be more grateful. This school helps you succeed.

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