10 Questions to ask your new school - ACS International Schools


10 Questions to ask your new school

Changing school or joining a new school can be daunting and overwhelming for both the child and family. It is essential to do your homework and find out everything you want to know about the school, before making that final decision.

Below are some questions that you should be asking the new school, before deciding whether to enrol your child there or not. It is essential to find out about all aspects of the prospective school, to shape your decision-making process and guarantee the happiness of your child.

So, what do you ask? What do you look for? What is most important for you and your child, and how does the school demonstrate this?

1. Where do families live and what travel to school services do you offer?

The travel and logistics of getting your child to and from school is an important factor when comparing schools. How long the journey will take, what time services operate from and whether there is flexibility with door-to-door service is another option to consider.

2. What extra-curricular activities are on offer?

Before, during and after school clubs and activities contribute to the child’s school experience. This is where passions and skills can develop further outside of the typical school day.

3. What is the mix of local vs international families?

International schools promote cultural understanding and bring together families from all corners of the world. Understanding how the school community is built and the nationalities represented can be a key to understanding how students are integrated in the school.

4. What are the class sizes and ratio of teacher to student?

In an ordinary teaching environment, it is a legal requirement to have one qualified teacher to 30 students. However, classroom sizes and extra adult support differ in each school and understanding this is essential to learning how your child will be supported in the classroom and the opportunities of classroom participation.

5. Can parents come on campus, are there opportunities to get involved, help with the school and be part of the PSO?

It is important to understand what involvement you can play in the new community your child will be joining, and whether the facilities are accessible for families enrolled.

6. How does the school help students settle in when they join, and how is this continued throughout their schooling journey?

Wellbeing, pastoral care and emotional support plays a vital role in the child’s experience at school. Not only should this care be in place from when they join, but also continue throughout their schooling journey.

7. What is the difference to a UK school and UK curriculum?

There are many positive differences with a global curriculum in comparison to the traditional UK curriculum. Understanding these differences and benefits will help shape your decision on what type of curriculum is best suited for your child.

8. How much should be allowed for extras on top of school fees?

There might be some opportunities for additional support at the prospective school, learning what is offered and what is available will ensure financial confidence when finalising your decision.

9. Do universities recognise the IB and what qualifications do you get?

There are many educational qualifications universities accept when enrolling new students onto their programmes. Before deciding, learn what qualifications your child could gain, the weight of these qualifications and the impact they will have when applying to university.

10. How long do families stay for?

Learning the average turnaround of a family will help to ease any thoughts surrounding friendships and relationship building.

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