Here, you will find everything you need to know about ACS International School Cobham. We have featured informative videos, downloadable resources about our curriculum, boarding brochures, fees structure and important contact details.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, can’t find what you need or would like to know further about how we work with agents, then please do get in touch with our team who will be able to help you.
Anastasia Cotton
Vice Dean of Overseas Admissions
+44 (0) 7860 272955
Lisa Costello
Assistant Dean of Overseas Admissions
Become an ACS Agent Partner
We have very strong relationships with our agent partners and hope to provide them with everything they require to present ACS International School Cobham. Please do get in touch if you would like to become an Agent partner, we would love to hear from you.
ACS Cobham offers a unique, world-class experience with over 70 nationalities represented. Everyone in the ACS community has one thing in common – what makes everyone different is ultimately what makes everyone the same and binds everyone together. The boarding experience encompasses everything your child would wish for and ACS’s very foundation is international.
Frequently Asked Questions
How close is ACS Cobham to the airport?
What curriculum is studied at ACS Cobham?
Are there any extra-curricular activities and excursions offered?
What facilities are there to use?
academic scholarships FOR BOARDING STUDENTS
We are delighted to announce that ACS Cobham is now offering merit-based academic scholarships for boarding students. The scholarships are are available for all boarding ages and nationalities, and offer an award of up to 20% of tuition fees for every year of enrolment. Applicants will need to sit an online test, proctored by ACS.
If you have a student who is highly able, and interested in boarding at ACS Cobham, please contact Anastasia Cotton, our Assistant Dean for Overseas Admissions, to receive further information: [email protected]